Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6th - start!

7:00 AM - i woke up to get ready to leave.
8:00 AM - i went back to sleep.
9:45 PM - i had been having phone problems for the past few days, so i decided to get a new phone. my old friend env is now hanging out in a dresser in my room, where he will be utilized in dire situations. i've since made friends with dare, a delightful little bloke of about 4 inches.
11:00 AM - we started packing everything up in the ol' escape. this usually takes us a while, but we got it done relatively quickly this time.
11:45 AM - we are ready to leave, so we head out. at the end of the street we remember that we forgot a box of cds, so we turn around to get them.
11:50 PM - we leave again, and go to the bank.
12:00 PM - i make a deposit, get back in the car, and we head off to pick up tyler in indianapolis.
2:00 PM - we pick tyler up, eat some subway, and make our way down the interstate.

we're well on our way to california
[californiiiiaaaaa, here we cooooome]
we will be heading to LA first. mind you, it makes me feel awesome when people ask me "where's your band touring?" to respond "well, we're going to LA first..." mainly because this leads to the assumption that my band is absolutely huge. LA = success! this may be a misconception, but i'm still pretty excited. my band is not absolutely huge. my appetite for cookies is.

it's looking like we're going to be out longer than i thought.
more info on new dates soon!

i'm gonna post more pictures on here this tour for sure. seriously. i always say that, but i never do. i'm making it happen.
